Gate 88's gameplay focuses on the following:
Although the game sports a single player mode, the real meat of the game is in the multiplayer mode, which can be played over the Internet.
- Action and Strategy Together, not Separate. An overall strategy's effectiveness ultimately depends on how well the player can perform the actions at a low level (eg. maneuvering, dogfighting, etc.).
- Infinite Space. Instead of confining gameplay to static, pre-made levels, Gate 88's "terrain" evolves as players' bases are destroyed and relocated. The infinite space is also used to hide vulnerable buildings such as factories, or to conceal a fleet of fighters waiting to ambush the enemy.
Social Awareness.
Since alliances can be formed and broken on a whim, a natural political climate arises.
You never know if your allies are secretly harbouring plans for a backstab, or even if they are in fact allied with the enemy.
As such, the player must always be careful with his/her trust, and be aware of the current social situation in the game.