Reviewer's Guide

Quick Info

Game Name: Gate 88
Version: March 19/05 (development is on going)
Developer: Queasy Games -
Genre: Mutliplayer Abstract Action-Strategy
Target Audience: Hardcore Gamers
Availability: Windows, Linux (x86), Mac OS X
Price: Free


Note: the game looks much better in-game as static screenshots do not capture the various animations and motions of each unit.
Previous Press:

Game Design Focus

Gate 88's gameplay focuses on the following:
  • Multiplayer. Although the game sports a single player mode, the real meat of the game is in the multiplayer mode, which can be played over the Internet.
  • Action and Strategy Together, not Separate. An overall strategy's effectiveness ultimately depends on how well the player can perform the actions at a low level (eg. maneuvering, dogfighting, etc.).
  • Infinite Space. Instead of confining gameplay to static, pre-made levels, Gate 88's "terrain" evolves as players' bases are destroyed and relocated. The infinite space is also used to hide vulnerable buildings such as factories, or to conceal a fleet of fighters waiting to ambush the enemy.
  • Social Awareness. Since alliances can be formed and broken on a whim, a natural political climate arises. You never know if your allies are secretly harbouring plans for a backstab, or even if they are in fact allied with the enemy. As such, the player must always be careful with his/her trust, and be aware of the current social situation in the game.


Gate 88's gameplay focuses on the following:
  • Detailed Tutorial Mode. The tutorial walks the player through all the gameplay elements. Also, a built-in quick reference option allows anxious players to get right in the game.
  • Adjustable Single Player Settings. Players can tweak the game to suit their tastes.
  • Built-in IRC Chat. Players can connect directly to the Gate 88 IRC chat room at any time to organize games or just have a chat. Because it is connected to an IRC network, players not in the game can still chat with players who are in the game.
  • Innovative Menu System. The menu system allows players to quickly perform traditional RTS operations while keeping the focus on action. Although the system will feel foreign at first, the learning curve is short.

Additional Info

If you have any comments or require additional information, do not hesitate to contact Jonathan Mak at